Sunday, November 29, 2009

The wolverine

The wolverine is not related to the wolf or the bear. It is the largest member of the weasel family.
This animal is found throughout Canada, including the Arctic region.
The wolverine eats mice, rats and other small mammals, birds and eggs. In winter, when snow covers the ground, it eats reindeer and other large prey.
Often it lets other animals do the hunting. Then it chases the hunter away by showing its teeth and growling fiercely. Then the wolverine is left to eat the kill.
The wolverine uses its large teeth and powerful jaws to crush large bones and eat frozen meat.
It will fight other wolverines to defend its territory.
Like the skunk, it has a strong-smelling fluid called muskwhich it uses to warn others to stay away.
The thick coat of brown fur protects it from the freezing cold temperatures. Its large feet help it move across the soft snow. There are five long sharp claws on each foot. The claws are used for climbing and digging.
Wolverines are not fast movers, so they do not chase or stalk their prey. But they are good climbers and often rest in trees. They pounce on their prey from trees or rocks.
The female has one litter every two or three years. She digs a den with tunnels in a snowdrift that is near piles of rocks. Two or three "kits" are born.
Wolverines can live up to 13 years. They are not yet an endangered species, but their numbers are declining.

1 comment:

  1. COOL!!!!!
    thx for posting this.It really helped me on my research.
